
Coal Mac also known as APEX Mine #2 located in Elkhorn City, KY. Located in Trammel is the old General Store & Post Office.
Coal Mac has two scales for the trucks. It's seen it's better days but it is still standing in 2006.
Coal Mac is owned by APEX Energy out of Pikeville, KY. Clinchfield's old engine shed located in Dante, VA.
This loader is an on again/off again operation, photo was taken when not in operation. Dante Station is in good condition considering it's age.
It has capability of loading to tracks at a time. Another view of the old station at milepost 35.0.
Collco loader is at milepost 12.6 on the Clinchfield near Haysi, VA. Dante yard office that has since been demolished.
Pictured is the truck dump at Collco. Another view of the office, the scale track was located right in front.
This loader actually went across the river to the tracks. Union Baptist Church is a great place to photograph.
Fremont River Dock hasn't operated for sometime. Tipple #52 was located on the south end of Dante yard.
It has been around for a long time as you can tell. Kingsport depot has been renovated into a bank.
Seen in this picture is the truck scale. Looking railroad north at the track side of the depot.
Looking south from Fremont River Dock. The famous Kingsport depot clock.
Fremont depot has been moved to a new location. Railorad south looking at the back side of the depot.
Near Clinchco is the Riverside Grocery. Front side view of the old freight station.
McClure Lumber is still booming! Viewing the back, trackside of the depot.
L. G. Osborne & Sons is located just north of Dungannon, VA. The old freight station had a huge platform for unloading goods.

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