Other Clinchfield Locations

Looking down from HWY. 72 overpass, MTYS heading north in Fort Blackmore, VA.  

CSX SD70M #4804 heading south out of Starnes siding.
CSX #213 MTYS heading NB through Marrowbone, KY.
CSX #339,  AC's heading south around the "S-Curves" at Sun, VA.
Same AC's leading a loaded coal drag southbound crossing Hanging Rock crossing.
MTYS heading north just outside St.Paul heading through Boody.
Caught up with NS #9492 again on CSX trackage heading around Osborne Curve.
A view of NS D9-40CW at Osborne Curve heading south toward Dungannon, VA.
CSX time freight heading north at Boody on the Main (MP #40) just north of St. Paul, Virginia.
The famous Grain train seen here close to Wood, VA with CSX #7531 leading.
CSX #13 leading the loaded coal drag at Boody located at milepost 40.9 just north of St. Paul, VA.
CSX #136 is passing Wood, VA. at milepost 60 heading north toward Dungannon.
CSX #82 is a pusher crossing Caney Creek Bridge heading back to Dante.
Copper Creek Viaduct is truly a perfect place to take pictures and watch trains.
Just south of Erwin you come to Unaka Springs where the Clinchfield crosses over the Nolichucky River.  
Conrail units crossing 3rd. Clinch River bridge entering Starnes tunnel.
New CSX power acquired by the Conrail buy out exiting Starnes tunnel.
CSX #323 with loaded coal crossing Copper Creek Viaduct.
CSX #280 is passing NS Interchange at Frisco, TN.
Northbound MTYS exiting out of Click tunnel at milepost 88.3, Frisco, TN.
Pushers heading back to Elkhorn City  coasting down grade at Tom's Bottom.
Norfolk Southern was passing through Carfax, Virginia. CSX has a defect detector located here.
CSX #119 (ex-CRR # 250) located at the Tennessee Valley Railroad Museum

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